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IntellxxDNA™ – Genetic Testing that Personalizes Your Health

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What is Clinical Genomic Testing?

Your genes are not your destiny because there are many genes that relate to our health that we are able to affect how they express using food as medicine and lifestyle adjustments. We can literally impact at this genetic level our responses to stress and anxiety, metabolism of estrogens, inflammation risks for developing diabetes, heart disease, weight gain, and even prevent and reverse early and moderate stages of cognitive decline and other neurodegenerative diseases, when we understand how and have this information about our genes. And, this testing can be done anonymously, if this is a concern for you.

You may have seen commercials for companies that provide DNA tests and health reports to the general public, often piggybacking on consumer interest in genealogy and ancestry. We appreciate that their marketing efforts have brought the concept of genomics and health into the public eye. However, these direct-to-consumer tests and reports are not medically comprehensive. In other words, they don’t tell the whole story.

IntellxxDNA™ provides authorized clinician with in-depth, evidence-based, science-focused genomic intelligence. When your results are ready, you will meet with your clinician to discuss the risks and benefits within your genomic profile, and review potential prevention or intervention strategies to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. The entire process supports an informed interpretation of test results and a better understanding of potential next steps.

What do IntellxxDNA™ reports show?

IntellxxDNA™ reports don’t make decisions for you. Instead, they provide unprecedented insight into your unique genetic make-up to assist your clinician in developing true, personalized care. How?

Your DNA contains variants, or SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), that may signal potential benefits and potential risks that lie within your DNA. Our reports examine the complex interplay between these variants and how they can affect your quality of life. We include evidence-based, well- researched potential intervention strategies – encompassing environment, lifestyle, nutrition, supplements and medications – that will serve as a basis of discussion between you and your clinician.

Two Exciting Report Options Available!

Whether you pick the Comprehensive Medical Report, the Cognitive Health Report, or both, the most unique feature of an IntellxxDNA™ report is that it provides your clinician with referenced potential modifications and strategies to address your genomics. Our IntellxxDNA™ reports allow for truly personalized medicine so that you know the recommendations your clinician makes are targeted for YOU!

Comprehensive Medical Report

This report focuses on common health concerns, including:

  • Heart disease,
  • Diabetes,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Obesity
  • Macular degeneration.

It also helps identify potential genomic health risks, such as the propensity to form blood clots, response to anesthesia and opioids. The celiac and histamine panels can help quickly untangle many G.I. issues. Also included are the various genes involved in methylation, homocysteine, vitamin B12 and vitamin D metabolism. The pathways are critical in preventing chronic diseases and inflammatory states that may lead to some cancers. There are 20 different panels and over 250 SNPs analyzed in the Comprehensive Medical Report.

Cognitive Health Report

This exciting report is designed to help understand the reversible/ addressable causes of memory loss. There are two different versions of this report and your clinician will choose the best option for your needs. Both reports address over 100 SNPs found to affect cognition, based on published medical literature along with referenced potential interventions. Some of these combinations of SNPs have been found to increase or decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s by 20% or more. When you know your genes, you can impact their expression with natural food, herbal remedies, supplements and lifestyle.

Genes highlighted in this report, in addition to the well-known APOE ε4, relate to numerous pathways of inflammation, proteins that help clear amyloid from the brain, hormone related pathways, mitochondrial factors, copper, zinc, choline, detoxification pathways and more. Our report will help your clinician or nutritionist target their recommendations specifically to you! Remember, the point of knowing about your genes is to be able to empower yourself to help your genes to work FOR you, not against you. If you don’t know, you can’t prevent or change your existing conditions or future risks for these disease states.

What are common questions?

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There is much you can do about it! Your DNA is not your destiny. This is exciting news from the field of science called, ‘epigenetics’. In fact, understanding your genomic profile empowers you to make intelligent health and wellness choices now that may impact your future quality of life. IntellxxDNA™ reports focus on the health and wellness of the whole person, rather than on isolated disease states. Your clinician will review your genomic profile as one of several factors of consideration when making clinical decisions to help you achieve optimal health.

Unlike ancestry-based genomics, the field of medical genomics is complex, even for well-trained clinicians. IntellxxDNA™ provides clinicians with ongoing education to ensure that they have access to research-based, accurate information.

IntellxxDNA™ is not direct-to-consumer and does not accept insurance at this time. You should know that the Genetics Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) prohibits insurance companies and employers with >15 employees from acquiring results of genetic tests. Group health insurance companies cannot use genetic information to deny coverage, establish pre-existing condition clauses, or change premiums. They also cannot require genetic testing. You own and control your results and your personal information is not identified with the results. It can be done totally anonymously.

Genetic information in medical records is subject to review by providers of life insurance, long-term care insurance and disability insurance. If your IntellxxDNA™ report uncovers a risk that may be important to include in your health record, discuss the pros and cons with your licensed health care professional. IntellxxDNA™ also provides a separate patient DNA dashboard that can be used to store your discussions of your genomics ― outside of your medical record. It does not need to be put into the medical record.


You can schedule your FREE DISCOVERY SESSION for details and to learn more about how IntellxxDNA™ and functional medicine can help you to take control over your own health and well-being:

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