I have been able to discern how to become wise about finding my own truth, to live with joy and confidence that is far more unshakable, have a healthier body and mind, and to have healthy relationships that are meaningful. I’ve also prospered and with greater gratitude for my blessings.
It is my intention to share what took me decades to learn, to now help guide you to be able to understand within months. And we will all need to continue to learn and grow, personal and spiritual growth never ends.
I am able to serve either as a physician guide or speaker/messenger/. Education and relearning the truth about health and food as medicine is an important part of this journey.
I’ve learned how to keep what is working and discard what no longer serves my higher evolution as life continues on – no matter what the ‘authorities’ have to say about it.
I call my approach to this integration of information, intuition, and experience, ‘Science with Soul’. It is not a one size fits all approach, but in order for us to thrive and find the fulfillment, purpose, and physical and mental health that we all seek as human beings, we have to be willing to grow and evolve in our self-awareness and not simply blindly accept what we are told without question.
Our present traditional healthcare system has already failed us. What I offer is a proven and for many, a new approach and solution that works.