
Is it time to Detox Your Body?

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on Is it time to Detox Your Body?

We are exposed to a variety of toxins every day through the air we breathe and the food we eat. Even the products we use on our hair, skin, and nails can contain toxins. Bacteria, pesticides, fertilizers, air pollutants, plasticizers, heavy metals, secondhand smoke, and gas fumes are just some of the many toxins we…

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Why It’s More Important than Ever to Support Your Immune System

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on Why It’s More Important than Ever to Support Your Immune System

Why It’s More Important than Ever to Support Your Immune System We have weathered some serious concerns about our health and how to protect ourselves from viruses like Covid-19 over the last year and a half. Viruses have been and will be with us always – not anything new. Having a strong and healthy immune…

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Healthy Aging and Longevity Secrets

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on Healthy Aging and Longevity Secrets

The search for the fountain of youth is as old as time. Here’s an idea. What if the fountain of youth is simply the sum of our decisions? If that’s the case, then the power to live long and well is (somewhat) in our hands! We can influence our longevity by making a daily commitment…

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6 Reasons Your Breath Smells Unpleasant

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on 6 Reasons Your Breath Smells Unpleasant

Been smelling your own breath lately with all the mask-wearing? The harsh realities of the odors coming from our mouths have come front and center these days. Tic Tacs, mints and chewing gum… can’t fix a true breath problem. While bad breath (also known as halitosis) isn’t often a symptom of disease per se, it…

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How to Approach Arthritis Naturally

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on How to Approach Arthritis Naturally

If you’ve ever suffered from joint pain, you know how much of a headache it is. All the aches and pains of arthritis make moving your joints unnecessarily difficult, and the prospect of your symptoms worsening over time is daunting, to say the least. What if I told you there are therapies available that are…

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How to Get off the Diet Roller Coaster – and Stay Off!

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on How to Get off the Diet Roller Coaster – and Stay Off!

Eat less, exercise more. Is it really that easy? You may not be surprised to hear that losing excess weight and keeping it off goes way beyond such one-dimensional recommendations. In fact, the concept of calories in and calories out may be the biggest misunderstanding people have about weight. It turns out that weight gain…

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The Most Under-Diagnosed Cause of Thyroid Problems – and What to Do About It

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on The Most Under-Diagnosed Cause of Thyroid Problems – and What to Do About It

Thyroid problems, both low and high thyroid hormone problems, are near epidemic proportions in this country today, particularly among women. I so often hear from women and from clients/patients who complain of symptoms from low thyroid conditions, such as: 1. Cold hands and feet 2. Dry skin and hair 3. Brittle nails 4. Hoarseness 5.…

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What No One Tells You About Stress and Burnout

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on What No One Tells You About Stress and Burnout

Society is struggling with stress on a daily basis. When we realize what stress is and where it comes from, we are better enabled to avoid burnout.

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3 Surprising Reasons Why Self-Care is NOT Selfish

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on 3 Surprising Reasons Why Self-Care is NOT Selfish

To thrive nowadays…to free ourselves from the tyranny of stress and overwhelm…to live with a sense of purpose and healthy relationship – we must drop the either/or, black or white dualistic thinking of old. I will say upfront – no, self-care is not selfish. In fact, when we care for our body, our mind and…

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