Weight Gain

Is it time to Detox Your Body?

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on Is it time to Detox Your Body?

We are exposed to a variety of toxins every day through the air we breathe and the food we eat. Even the products we use on our hair, skin, and nails can contain toxins. Bacteria, pesticides, fertilizers, air pollutants, plasticizers, heavy metals, secondhand smoke, and gas fumes are just some of the many toxins we…

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Thinning, brittle hair? Check your hormones!

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on Thinning, brittle hair? Check your hormones!

Want some top tips for healthy hair? Read on! Luscious locks. Flowing tresses. Who doesn’t want to have a full head of shiny hair? Our culture certainly gives us the message that beautiful hair symbolizes youth and beauty. However, particularly as we age, many of us find that the soft, full hair we may have…

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How Blood Sugar Imbalances Create Havoc in Your Health

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on How Blood Sugar Imbalances Create Havoc in Your Health

Are you noticing more stubborn belly fat? Experiencing wild sugar cravings? Constant fatigue and sudden crashes in energy? Are you noticing more stubborn belly fat? Experiencing wild sugar cravings? Constant fatigue and sudden crashes in energy? Our dietary choices and lifestyle practices play a huge role in either maintaining balance or spiking blood sugar levels.…

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: What You Need to Know

By Valencia Ray, M.D. / / Comments Off on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: What You Need to Know

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can impact many aspects of a woman’s health, from her moods, her weight, to her chances of conception. This surprisingly common condition can be difficult to diagnose and treat. That’s partly because conventional medicine practices are often geared towards tackling the symptoms without truly getting to the underlying reasons. Functional/ Natural…

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