Accessing our Authenticity Takes Courage

We can’t be authentic until we own and integrate our shadows. Until we realize that the ‘I’ that we are…is not the experience we have. We are an Essence – the ‘I’. Our spiritual Being. The True Self. Instead of knowing this or understanding this – we define ourselves by who ‘we think we are’. We use our experiences or our ‘stuff’ to define who we ‘be’.
We are not our thoughts; we are not our experiences. We tangle these up with our identity – so people typically feel shame and guilt. Shame about who we think we are, and guilt about our actions. Forgiveness of ego self and the misperception, the belief that we are ‘less than’ …or even ‘better than’ for that matter – is the only way out. It is ‘how’ we think about ourselves, others and our relation to others that is tripping us up.
So, who do you think you are?
We don’t know who we really are in our core, nor do many people have a sense of purpose for living anymore. We are disconnected from ‘other’ and more attached to drama and our devices. Well, we are now at a crossroads as to whether this ‘separation consciousness’ becomes more intensified than ever – or will we use this time as an opportunity to heal the lies and distortions of the truth.
We won’t be able to talk about our experiences with compassion and without ‘victim or perpetrator consciousness’ until we free our minds from this illusion of ‘who we think we are’. This definition is based upon our story of ‘being’ our experiences that we reject or deny.
The Road to Healing…
The only way to authenticity that I have found is to own and heal these ’disowned’ parts of ourselves and to shift our perception about our ’stories’ – from one of fear, guilt, and shame to one of wisdom.
We all are the human race – there are not a bunch of ‘races’ in the first place. Ethic groups, yes – races no. Even our language is racist.
It is our shared humanity that can help us to forgive and heal our land. And, frankly – it starts within us. If we can’t even forgive our self – we won’t likely truly and physiologically be able to forgive others either. There can be no lasting reconciliation.
So, this work is both inner and outer. It takes courage to succeed. ????????????
Namaste, with Love.